Something I got thinking on, what happened if *somehow* (this is a hypothetical situation, remember) the humour disappeared from the world, we couldn't laugh and make jokes.
Anywho, I planned to make some comic strips in between blog posts, so here we go.
PS. I know I spelled "humour" wrong, I'm too lazy to quickly change it and export it again - that would just be too much effort.
PPS. My drawings are crap, I can sketch but I can't cartoon. I know. It looked nothing like I had in my head, imagine it professional and more cartoon-like and with better writing because I need a WACOM but I can't afford it. I cannot draw with a track-pad. I cannot draw.
PPPS. Click to make it a lot larger because Blogger once again is planning to annoy me every time I try to post.
You are hysterical!!
I can't believe you don't have any followers yet!!!!
I'm happy to be the first :3
Thank you :) I have been procrastinating like crazy, on both blogging and school-working so it may be a while until I write something more.
I don't have a clue as to how to actually *get* followers, so at the moment I'll just float around in cyber-space and let people laugh and then wander on to something far more funny :3
You're very welcome :3
I have the same problem with the "finding followers" thing. XD I just got my first one today!! -super excited-
I'm sure you'll get a lot moar followers, it just takes time.
I bet Allie Brosh didn't have very many followers for a while, and look at her now!
She doesn't even have to work! XD
I'm highly looking forward to your next post, and I'm sure it will be worth the wait :3
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